mission Ministry

There are many hurting and needy persons in our own community who need to feel God's love. At FBC, we take seriously the task of being local missionaries and sharing with these persons the love of God that we have experienced in our own lives. We show this love by attending to the physical, mental, and emotional needs that often burden people. To get involved or learn more about Missions at FXBG Baptist contact Rev. Dr. Jeanne Anderson.

Current mission opportunities

Thursday Night Community Meal

An opportunity for any person to enjoy a free meal in a socially friendly and safe setting. For some of the participants this may be the only hot meal they enjoy all week. We also make our facility available, at no cost, to a number of local governmental and non-profit agencies that provide social and family support services to local individuals.

Lucha Ministry

Our church supports the work of CBF missionaries Greg and Sue Smith.  The Smith's minister to the Latino population through their ministery called LUCHA.  FBC provides funding for their work through  CBF as well as providing direct support for special emphases.  

Micah Ministries

A coalition of downtown churches, to provide emergency shelter on sub-freezing nights for those who have no shelter. Through our own benevolent fund we assist individuals who cannot afford medical services, housing expenses, and transportation.

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Virginia

We support CBF in their work among the world’s most neglected population and people groups.  In addition, we support mission trips in which members themselves serve as “international missionaries” among peoples and in cultures in need of God’s love and salvation.